Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! and thank you

Before today is gone forever I want to mention the famous and talented Dr. Seuss – Theodor Seuss Geisel.

He was born March 2, 1904 and lived until September 24, 1991. That’s 87.5 years.

I read somewhere that sometime along the way one of his teachers or professors told him he couldn’t draw and his art would not catch on.  hmmm  I guess somebody was wrong!  That goes to prove that you should never give up if you are passionate about your talent. It may be just what the world is waiting for.

If you would like to read lots of information about Dr. Seuss, go here.

No doubt everyone reading this is familiar with something Dr. Seuss wrote. Two books that I particularly enjoyed reading to my daughters are

Green Eggs And Ham                          and

Horton Hears A Who!       

It was a fun challenge to read those long connecting thoughts without stopping to take a breath, and I could never begin to tell you how many times those books were chosen as bedtime stories! I got really good at reading Dr. Seuss – with great enthusiasm! 🙂

Now I’ll join with the throngs of captivated children and admiring readers, writers, illustrators, and everyone else who loves his books, and say:


What Dr. Seuss books were the most popular in your house?

Is there one Dr. Seuss book in particular that you wish you had written?

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings! 🙂