Book Review: Snow Day by Billy Coffey


It has been two weeks since I last posted to my blog, but ‘life’ happens and I just didn’t get anything written. Today I will make up for that with a book review and more to follow.  Stay tuned! 🙂

As we are entering Spring in this part of our world, I would like to introduce to you a book that I think you would enjoy regardless of the season.

Snow Day by Billy CoffeyBook: Snow Day
Author: Billy Coffey
Genre: adult fiction;  inspirational/Christian
Pages: 195 (hardcover)
Price: $18.99 US; $20.99 CDN
Released: October 2010
Publisher: Faith Words — Hachette Book Group
My rating: An easy book to read, enjoy, and think about long after ingesting the last word on the last page.

It was on Twitter that I learned of this novel and its author, Billy Coffey, around the time the book was being released. Having heard wonderful things about it, I had to purchase a copy for myself. I was not disappointed.

This fictional story of faith starts and ends (except for the epilogue) on one snowy December day in a small town in Virginia, USA.  The reader gets to live that day through the eyes and life of one man, Peter Boyd. Peter is a family man and factory worker whose life has been going along as usual, except that when we meet him he has grave concerns for his future. Because of the unstable economic climate there is rumour of possible upcoming lay-offs, and he is worried about his job. The decision he makes to take the day off work on a stormy winter day just before Christmas is a decision that changes his life. Through Peter’s wanderings and ponderings, God subtly teaches him things that give him a fresh new outlook and a deeper understanding of his own faith.

I was drawn in as, chapter by chapter, Billy Coffey took me on a journey with his main character. Each chapter tells its own story from the comedic to the heart-wrenching. In Peter’s neighbourhood and the lives of the people he encounters in it, and through his interactions with his young family, God brings to his attention lessons he has to learn. We get to observe through Peter’s eyes other people’s struggles and conflicts, how they deal with them, and the impact they unknowingly have on Peter.

I am quite a visual person, so as I was reading I could see each scene as Billy creatively described it. He writes in a very descriptive manner, including natural conversations between the characters, making this a pleasant and thought-provoking read.

Snow Day is a first novel for Billy Coffey, but one can hope it will not be his last. I encourage you to look for this book and make it an addition to your personal library.

You can find Snow Day listed on my BUY THE BOOK! page.

Watch for an upcoming interview with Billy Coffey.

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂



6 thoughts on “Book Review: Snow Day by Billy Coffey

    1. Thanks, Laura.
      When I purchased Snow Day it was not yet in my local bookstore so they ordered it in for me. I’m sure when you get a copy you will enjoy it.


    1. Ceriat, I checked on for France, and yes … if you do a search on that site for Snow Day by Billy Coffey you will find it there! 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by.


        1. You are most welcome. Also, check out my interview with Billy Coffey posted on March 25, and leave a comment if you would like to enter the draw to win a free copy of Billy’s book.


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