Last day to vote & help this high-needs school get books!

My post today will be short and …. pleading.

On September 26 I told you about the challenge to get books for the little elementary school – Gaspereau Valley Elementary – all my children attended, and now my grandson goes there.

This school – grades P-5 – has 130 children, which means the goal is to reach is 130 books. Currently we only have 76! That puts us a long way off from reaching the mark and the opportunity to win so much more. Will you help us?

Chapters Indigo is generously committed to this challenge and is contributing the books donated at no cost to you. PLEASE HELP! It’s the last day to give this high-needs school the books it needs; you only have to go here and VOTE


Of course, there is the option to actually contribute $12 to purchase one book which also equals 10 votes! Would you consider that? No worries if not, but Please vote today. That costs you nothing but a few minutes. And if you do decide to buy a book (using paypal or credit card on their secure server) then please vote first and donate second. That allows one more vote than if you were to do it the other way around.

Thank you so much … and please urge your friends to vote as well. This is the last day of the challenge, and you can vote from anywhere and anonymously if you prefer.

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂

Please adopt this school and help them get books!

Hi, Everybody! I seldom ask you for anything but today is an exception.

This morning it’s on my heart to try to do more to help the little local elementary school where my husband attended (never mind how long ago that was), and where in later years all our four daughters started their education in the system. 

There is a fundraiser challenge going on for high-needs schools, but only for a few more days — don’t worry! I’m not asking you for money — through which schools can win books. BOOKS! Books are so important and funding is inadequate to provide what the school needs, as I’m sure you realize is the case for many schools.


PLEASE, would you kindly click HERE to go to Adopt a School and once there click on ADOPT A SCHOOL.  At some point on the site you may have to sign up but it’s safe and not tying you into anything unless you want to opt in for updates or something. It is simply to record your votes.

Follow the links on there. Where you see ‘search for your school’ look at the list and click on NS (Nova Scotia). That will take you to the list of schools in NS that are taking part in this challenge. You will see Gaspereau Valley Elementary School – currently at the bottom of the far right column.  That’s the one you want. Click on it and that takes you to where you can vote. OR you can donate money to buy books if you want to – every $12 buys 10 votes!

Here’s ‘the thing’: the top three schools with the most adopts win books. Gaspereau Valley Elementary is a small school up against some much bigger ones, so there are fewer people voting. As I write this GVE ranks 11th on the list of 28 NS schools. PLEASE VOTE and help us make top three! Our children love to read and very much need more BOOKS for their library. It doesn’t have to cost you anything but a minute a day. 


The challenge is running from September 20 – October 10. Here is the page explaining how it works. PLEASE HELP. VOTE EVERY DAY

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🙂

Do you enjoy helping with things like this?

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂