When we need Encouragement

I don’t know about you but I get weary. When I get weary the negativity creeps in, which should not be the case. Nothing has changed except my energy level and attitude. The situation has not changed, God has not changed, and my attitude changes nothing … at least not in a good way.

Negative begets negative. 

When I get home from my week at my dad’s I just can’t face doing an effective job of my own housework. (Sad admission there.) But … this past week I was blessed to receive help from my youngest daughter who has time off work. She spent a few hours each day helping me clean my house, because it had become overwhelming for me. We went room by room, even decluttering a few things, and still have much to do. I knew it had become a weight on me, but after just the first room was done … I felt lighter! Really! I am excited to see how good it feels being in my house once it is all done. Most of my houseplants even got repotted and freshened up, but what do I do with the plants I no longer want?


There are a few quotes I like that are encouraging with regard to what I said above.

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris   (That one helps with decluttering.)

“The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach.” – Yutang Lin  (It seems this is basically saying to live within one’s means, and don’t accumulate things just for the sake of having them. As Paul of the Bible says: “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content.” – Philippians 4:11 (KJV)  This is something I am still working on.)

“The one serious conviction that a man should have is that nothing is to be taken too seriously.” – Samuel Butler  (We really do take ourselves too seriously. I need to allow myself to laugh more and relax about things. When feeling it all is too much, be honest and admit it’s never as bad as it seems, so just wait a little longer; it will get better. These words, “Don’t give up on the brink of a miracle,” have helped me more than once. )

And if all else fails, lose yourself in a good book (or THE Good Book, The Bible) for awhile. Your life will still be there when you get back, but dealing with it just may be easier.

Yesterday I finished reading another novel which I will be reviewing soon. I hope you enjoy reading reviews. Eventually, my list will have dwindled down so that I might be able to get back into my own writing.

Also, I hope you sometimes check the menu at the top of the page. When I add things I don’t always make mention, so look particularly under Book reviews, Books I read this year, quotes for writers, writers’ helps

Today was a gorgeous day – hot, sunny, with a bit of a breeze. The blackflies loved me. (Tiny pesky little flies with big teeth, I think!) The good thing – it’s Spring! and … I must be sweet; I have lots of bite marks to prove it.   :/

Here is a clip of one of the best Spring sounds – peepers! You know, those tiny frogs that are a sign of Spring. I love to listen to them at home, their delightful peeping relaxes my soul. Interesting facts: The peepers that sing are the males enticing females; peepers live three years in the wild and grow to only 2.5 cm (1 inch).

Now I must stop scratching those bites I mentioned and start writing a review. Blessings to you and have a great week!

What have you found to be of encouragement to you?

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂


10 thoughts on “When we need Encouragement

  1. I’ve been de cluttering too. Although daunting, It does make you feel lighter when it is done. It’s nice that you have your daughter to give you a hand.Your reviews have been excellent. Glad to see you are getting some reading in. Sending hugs. XO


    1. Yes, it is good for my daughter, too, as she likes to be helpful. 🙂 We tackled the lighter areas first, the worst is yet to come.
      Thanks for the kind words of encouragement and for the hugs, Darlene. Hugs back to you.


  2. Thank you for sharing these bits of wisdom, Lynn, and for reminding us that things don’t actually get worse when we’re tired. It sure feels that way sometimes.

    And thanks for the spring peepers link. Such a hope-inspiring sound, for me, and it reminds me of childhood visits to my grandmother’s house.

    If you’re like me, your review pile keeps replenishing itself. Maybe split your writing time and work on your own writing first? You have things to say that we need to hear 🙂


    1. Thank you, Janet, for these encouraging words.
      Yes, strange how that review pile – although being reduced .. really isn’t! – just doesn’t end. Good thing I love to read. 🙂

      The novel I work on once in awhile keeps coming to mind lately; my characters won’t let me forget them. Perhaps the time is coming soon to write again.


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