Different Thanksgiving day, same thanks giving

Here it is already a few days past Thanksgiving.  Our weather has changed from a week of above normal temperatures for this time of year, to the next week’s cooler than normal temperatures for this time of year.  Strange weather persists, but .. I honestly believe it is all part of Earth’s natural cycle.  Just look back in history.  Still, no matter the varied opinions on that, we have much for which to be thankful.

Thanksgiving here in Nova Scotia, Canada, was a windy but colourful day.  The leaves have changed colour and many that have let go of their tree’s branches are now either blowing in the breezes or are already part of the Designer‘s carpet covering the ground.  Very pretty.

I have been asked why is our Thanksgiving earlier than USA’s?  Well, our harvest comes a little earlier due to the fact that we are further north.

In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October to give thanks for a successful harvest, but was first started in 1578 as a thanks for surviving the long journey from England.  In 1621, settlers in what is now the USA celebrated a bountiful harvest with the Wampanoag Indians who helped them survive. It now is celebrated the fourth Thursday of November in remembrance of those Pilgrims who settled the ‘new world.’

My family always has a big dinner on the Sunday, as do many families, even though our actual Thanksgiving Day is on Monday.  It is a day we spend together (after church for some of us) enjoying the produce of our gardens and a beautifully cooked turkey.  And yes, we eat too much.  But who can resist all those wonderful veggies and the selection of pies?  Yum!

God has made ample provision for us in our two nations.  We have so much for which to be thankful.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise; be thankful unto Him and bless His name. – Psalm 100:4

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving?  Do you observe any traditions at this time of year?

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂


6 thoughts on “Different Thanksgiving day, same thanks giving

  1. I love thanksgiving! Of course it has changed for us over the years but when the kids were all living home I always spent the day baking pies and roasting a turkey with all the trimmings. We always celebrated on Monday. These past years it has been Sunday for us. Now we have more people in our family. It’s different but different in a good way. 🙂


    1. I like that Thanksgiving is one of those occasions that brings family together again, at least for the day. I’m glad your family all got home to enjoy it with you. 🙂


  2. I just love the colors of fall!! That photo captures them very well :). Thanks for sharing that little history of Thanksgiving in Canada…I’ve always wondered that too. The pie looks yummy!!

    P.S. This is Jaclyn from Bellography….I moved my blog because I could not remember my password.


    1. Hi Jaclyn! Good to hear from you! Welcome to Word Press. 🙂
      Yes, Fall is so beautiful. This year our colourful leaves are still on the trees, turning from the reds to more rusty hues now, but lots of orange and golden colours everywhere. It’s so nice, since last year we lost our leaves early due to stormy windy days.

      And that pie didn’t last long after its photo shoot. lol My husband said it was good.
      Thanks for your comment, Jaclyn. I’m checking out your new blog here on Word Press next.


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