The Definition of a Bestseller (used by permission)

A while ago I was reading a post by Steve Vernon on his blog – which you can find here – and followed a link he had placed there in answer to someone’s comment. That person was asking about books making it to bestsellers fame. He directed her to an article, which I read with interest; then I thought you also might like to read it. My choice was to post the complete article so I wrote for permission to copy it here once for your enjoyment and information.  🙂

At the end you will find links to the author and to this article where she posted it. Please check them out. And remember, always ask for permission to copy what other people have written on their sites.

Have you ever asked the question “what makes a book a bestseller?” Here is the article that will help answer that question:


The Definition of a Bestseller  – written by Samantha Francis

#1 – How many copies do I have to sell before I can call my book a bestseller?

Contrary to what some people believe, a book doesn’t become a bestseller by reaching a certain sales threshold. Bestseller status isn’t based on cumulative or lifetime sales, and there is no set amount a book has to sell to make it a bestseller. It’s more of a competition or race: whoever sells the most copies in a particular time period (usually a week), wins.

Depending on the week, it takes a different amount of sales to make it to the top. There are busy weeks and not-so-busy weeks — what can get you to the top in July, for example, may not be enough to rank you in the top 100 around Christmas, when sales are typically much higher.

We can’t reveal sales numbers, but to give you a very rough idea: when a book is in the “Top 10,” it’s usually sold several thousand copies across Canada in one week. Sales numbers of category bestsellers (lists restricted to a specific genre, like cooking or mystery) can be lower, though.

#2 – So as long as I know I’ve sold more books than other titles I can call my book a bestseller?

Well, no. Technically, a book can only be labelled a bestseller when it appears on a published bestseller list. If you’re not on an official bestseller list, then you haven’t been identified as a bestseller. Most major publications (newspapers and sometimes magazines or websites) that have bestseller lists ensure that their bestseller lists are based on comprehensive national (or regional) sales tracking and cite their sources (usually BNC’s SalesData). These sources are invested in publishing factually accurate information, which is why they’re respected by the industry and consumers.

Here are some ways appearing on lists can be used on covers. If a book appears on the Toronto Star list once, it can technically be called a bestseller or a “Toronto Star bestseller”. If it appears at the number-one spot on such a list, it could be called a “#1 bestseller”. If it appears in a nationally distributed paper like The Globe and Mail or The National Post, it could also be called a “national bestseller.”

#3 – Do all my book’s sales count toward the bestseller list ranking?

Almost. The catch here is that the sales have to be reported. SalesData is the service that provides bestseller information to most reputable lists. If the sales aren’t reported by booksellers, then there’s no way to know if the sales actually happened.

#4 – If a book is a bestseller, does that mean it sold more than any other book?

Not necessarily. Because most bestseller rankings are based on weekly sales, it’s possible for a book to sell really well one week, appear on a published bestseller list, and technically count as a bestseller even if it never sells another copy.

Another interesting thing to note is that there are books that sell consistently well, but never quite well enough to make it onto a weekly list. In that case, sometimes a book’s annual sales will earn it a spot on year-end bestseller lists, ahead of titles that ranked above it at some point during the year.

Also certain types of books are commonly excluded from appearing on bestseller lists, so they miss out on all the glory even if they’re big sellers. The most common example is dictionaries. Dictionaries sell very well around back-to-school, but reference titles are frequently excluded from bestseller lists. A given publication’s editorial guidelines ultimately determine what is included or cut from their bestseller lists.

#5 – If a book has “bestseller” on the cover, does it mean it was on the Globe and Mail bestseller list?

A bestseller claim on a book’s cover can mean it was on one of many different bestseller lists. If the cover refers to a “bestselling author,” it’s usually a previous book by that author that achieved bestseller status.

Keep in mind that the Canadian market imports books from just about every English-language market around the world. If the cover wasn’t designed in Canada, the bestseller status may refer to another territory.

#6 – Is being a bestseller the only way my book will be considered a success?

Hell, no! In a lot of ways, making it onto a bestseller list takes some luck. And one week’s sales performance doesn’t mean the book is considered more successful than others. First of all, other books may sell better over time. And sales aren’t always an indicator of profitability.

But there’s also so much more that defines what truly makes a book successful — most importantly, did the book’s intended audience read it and love it? Sales aren’t the be-all and end-all. Reviews, award nominations, educational objectives, and reader satisfaction are all part of what makes a book a success.
I hope this clears up a lot of your questions about bestseller lists and bestseller claims on books. The points mentioned above are just guidelines in the end; there may be examples of different interpretations, and there are no “bestseller police” enforcing strict rules.

This blog post was written by Samantha Francis (@pronunciate) and originally published on the BookNet Canada blog. Click here to view the original post. BookNet Canada is a non-profit organization that develops technology, standards and education to serve the Canadian book industry.


Has this information answered any of your questions?

Thanks for reading, and Creative Musings!  🙂


7 thoughts on “The Definition of a Bestseller (used by permission)

    1. Yeees? 🙂
      I think it would be about the same in “America”, seeing as we both (Canada and the USA) make up North America and our markets seem to be quite similar. Regardless, it’s hard to write the book that is going to be regarded as a bestseller.

      Thanks, Erik.


  1. Nice article.

    Yes, my friends who are best-selling authors tell me there are all kinds of publishing tricks to achieving that status, but once they do, it’s like the snowball rolling down the hill, it helps gather even more sales momentum.


    1. Things have changed a lot over the years, haven’t they?
      I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Sue; it is a good article.
      Thanks for commenting. 🙂


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