ends and beginnings

This week we are experiencing a heat wave in Nova Scotia.  As we enter hurricane season, Hurricane Earl is making its way up the eastern coastline, and we here are enjoying (or not!) the high temperatures and heavy humidity.  By the time Earl arrives on our shores its hurricane status is expected to be downgraded to tropical storm strength.  That means we will get lots of wind and rain but with less fury, and probably some areas will suffer damage, but because the storm keeps veering a little off the course it was on we do not yet know for certain how much of the province will take the brunt of it.  One good thing is that the storm will sweep the humidity away with its passing, and the temperatures will lessen by more than ten degrees making it seem quite cool in comparison to what we are enduring now.  (I want to make it clear that I am not complaining – because Summer is far too short – but the high heat and humidity combination really drains one’s energy.)

For awhile this evening my husband and I stood out on our deck enjoying the refreshing evening breeze, which is cooler than what the fans can push around in our house.  I love looking at the sky filled with stars, and listening to the night sounds.  How amazing it all is!  Now the crickets are chirping steadily, a sure sign of the end of Summer.  This morning I heard another flock of geese honking loudly in unison as they flew over, another sure sign of the oncoming Autumn.

And today …. today our darling little grandson started school!  How can it be this all-important day so soon?!  He was excited to climb onto that big yellow school bus, taking him into the next phase of his precious life.  (Later over the telephone he told us he enjoyed his first day of school.)

I remember my very first day of school.  It was horrible; I was so painfully shy.  And to add to the problem, I had become very ill with tonsillitis during that summer and had to have a tonsillectomy just before school began.  Of course, that meant that I was unable to start at the same time as the other children, which made it even more difficult.

So … do you remember your very first day of school?  What kind of memory making day was it for you?

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings! 🙂

4 thoughts on “ends and beginnings

  1. Nice post. 🙂 Evenings in summer are truly wonderful! The crickets are chirping loudly around here too; even with the windows down I can hear them well enough to keep me awake sometimes, which has me wondering how in the world can such little creatures make such loud noise! Maybe if spiders made that kind of noise, it would give us more time to run from them! 😉


    1. hahaha… You are too funny, Elisheva!
      I think we have one or two crickets in our basement. Apparently they can be destructive, or so I have been told, but I enjoy the wonderful chirping.
      Thanks for posting. 🙂


  2. The heat this past week has been a bit much, but thankfully it’s over.

    What a milestone for your little grandson.They grow up far too quickly.

    My first day of school I wasn’t quite five, and we walked a mile and a half to a one roomed schoolhouse. Other than being excited to go I don’t have any clear memories. (Psst! This would have been a good place to post that school picture of yours! You’ve got me curious now.)


    1. Yes, back to cooler temperatures. Whew! ‘Hurricane’ Earl rushed right through.

      You have me chuckling, Laura, so I went searching and found the picture I was thinking of when Mum used to home perm my hair. (in reference to your post: http://lauraabest.wordpress.com/2010/08/30/is-every-child-an-artist/ ) Turns out it was taken in grade 3 but I also found my Primary one .. and yes, permed hair. Remember the Toni? I might post it – especially for curious you. 🙂

      Yes, my grandson is growing up too quickly, a smart little guy who should do well in school. His grampy got him this morning for a sleepover with us that he asked for last week. Fun!


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