Quiz: what breed of cat are you?

There are so many cat lovers out there. I found this quiz that I thought you might enjoy doing. It’s to find out what breed of cat YOU are. 🙂

Go HERE to do the quiz. Afterward, I hope you will come back here and leave a comment on what the results were for you. By the way, it seems I am a Ragdoll cat.

Here is a photo of my last cat, Scamper. She was a blue-eyed beauty.


Also, remember to go HERE to enter my November draw. It ends soon.

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂




6 thoughts on “Quiz: what breed of cat are you?

    1. 🙂 Is there any writer who is really “normal”? Perhaps in your “other life” you are “the very definition of normal”?
      Thanks, Heather, for your response. You have a great day, too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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