Who do you write like? (and updates: NaNoWriMo, PiBoIdMo)

I really don’t know how writers turn out book after book after book. How do people organize their time to accommodate writing along with all that goes on in their lives? If YOU are one of those people, please give me a hint!

I am a little dismayed over my post yesterday. I didn’t get to it until very late and it went live just seconds after midnight, which meant it was not recorded as a post for yesterday as intended! Now it looks as if I didn’t write a post yesterday for NaBloPoMo.

Today was rather chopped up, which is nothing unusual. I only got a few words written down for NaNoWriMo, but I finished reading through what I wrote of this NaNo novel so far (during NaNo 2010, 2011 & 2012). Now I am ready to continue. Or, I hope I am ready to continue. I stopped last November at a place where I didn’t even know where to go next with the story, and even tonight I got there and … ?? nothing yet. Vague ideas but no solid leading. Tomorrow I hope to find time to listen for direction, see what my characters want to do. But tomorrow is a busy day as I have much to do to finish my week here before I go home for a week. Once home … PLEASE dear Muse, visit me!

I wrote down an idea for PiBoIdMo today, which puts my picture books ideas total up to 15 for day 9.

I want to thank David of barsetshirediaries for sharing about a really cool site! If you are a writer and want to see what famous writer your own writing style and word choice is similar to, then check this out: I Write Like. When I put in my post from October 7’13 – When reality smacks you upside the head – it said I write like David Foster Wallace. But when I put in my post from November 4’13 – Passing on History (Singer Featherweight) – it says I write like H. P. Lovecraft. And when I put in my post from September 9’13 – We all should have a day to play! – it says I write like … Stephen King!  hahaha  Now that’s hilarious! 

Got you curious now, haven’t I? Check it out and analyze your writing. Who do you write like?

Wouldn’t you know! Interruptions caused me to be late finishing this post, so now instead of going live Nov 9 it’s Nov 10. Oh well, at least I AM WRITING!  🙂

[I put this post in the analyzer, and again … I write like H. P. Lovecroft.]

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings! 🙂



6 thoughts on “Who do you write like? (and updates: NaNoWriMo, PiBoIdMo)

  1. It says I write like Margaret Atwood!! Now this has made me feel very good. I may try it again and see if it comes up the same. I will go to bed very happy tonight. It is hard to write when there is so much else going on. I work full time and have a full social and family life. I’m right now planning my Mom’s 85th birthday. I made a pledge to write at least one hour a day no matter what a few years ago and I always do. It may be writing a blog ,a newsletter, an article or part of my WIP, but I always write something everyday. It’s amazing how the words add up. Now it is just a habit like eating and sleeping. (Margaret Atwood – I just can’t believe it.)


    1. Well, congratulations, Darlene! You may have prestigious awards in your future. 🙂

      I know I should be writing something every day, more than a blurb here and there, if I want to live up to the label ‘writer.’ I have to give myself permission and then DO IT out of obligation and fairness to myself, and the love of letting my creative urges be released and encouraged to flourish. Thanks for the reminder.


  2. It looks like we’re in August company Lynn. Maybe I should try chapters from the other two books as well. If it gave me P.G. Wodehouse I’d be a very happy bunny. I’m glad you’re writing even if you have a few delays.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


    1. When you get your writing analyzed and the writer’s name comes up, you can click on the name to find out about his or her books. That’s a start, and then you can ‘google’ the writer to learn more about him/her. Someday someone will be doing that with your name, Erik. 🙂
      It IS a cool thing!


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