Where did my get-up-and-go go?

Ever have ‘one of those days’? I’m having one right now. In fact, I’ve been having one for more days than I care to admit.

You know the saying, “my get-up-and-go got up and went.” Yep! That’s what has happened to me.

So many things I want to do, things I have to do, but I’m lacking the drive to do them.  *sigh*  I keep saying I must be tired. Well, that’s true, I am tired, but it seems to be more than that. Perhaps a temporary change of scenery/location is needed as I just don’t seem to have the motivation to get my act in gear.

Noticeably, I didn’t post a thing here all last week. That’s not good. I have some wonderful books lined up to review here but I can’t seem to think my way through it – but I will, really! I also have books stacked up to read, some of those to review, but I’m plugging away at War and Peace. Sometimes my reading is just for me, which is necessary, and I am enjoying W & P; it’s just taking me forever because I interject other books along the way.

Of course, there is life and all that entails. A sweet acquaintance/friend passed away the morning of February 15, and after hearing about her I learned that my uncle passed during the night of February 14. Both were expected, but not quite that soon.

Have you suffered with the flu this season, or the cold virus thing that is pulling people down? I am trying to avoid it, but I think that may be a lost cause. Two of Dad’s caregivers have been sick, so I am here longer this time until they recover past the contagious stage. I am expecting to go home tomorrow. It’s a little difficult to avoid my beloved at home, though, who is also recovering from it. Astragalus, an herbal remedy which helps to improve immune function, could be my happy thought. 😉

We were hit with a blizzard last night and this morning. That mixed things up a bit. The power went off at 4:00 this morning at home – not here at Dad’s – so I’m glad I wasn’t there for that this time. My husband didn’t even try to get to work – roads were treacherous with wind, snow, ice – but instead he took care of things at home during the power outage.

I already asked if you have had the flu this season, and now I have a couple more questions for you:

  1. What do you do when your ‘get-up-and-go’ got up and went?
  2. Do you enjoy winter storms? how do you cope with them? and power outages?

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂



16 thoughts on “Where did my get-up-and-go go?

  1. We don’t have winter storms but we do have hurricanes and tropical
    Storms. You just have to stay home and ride it out. You have a lot going on. Don’t push yourself!


    1. I think I would not enjoy hurricanes as our normal storm; occasional is enough.

      I don’t feel that I’m pushing myself hard enough. Maybe I need a nap. 🙂


  2. IT’s that time of year when many of us feel the lack of energy. Flus and storms don’t help either. We were talking about this at work as we all feel a bit lethargic. A few have had the flu and although myself and thers in the office haven’t come down with it, we feel we are fighting it. That itself takes a lot of energy. Stay warm and well. Lots of rest and tea is good too. Bravo for continuing with War & Peace.


    1. Good point, Darlene; our helper who came in yesterday said others in the office are feeling that lack of energy, too. When I go home today perhaps I will nap before my husband gets home from work. It’s true that being tired makes one more susceptible to whatever is going around.

      I will be very pleased to announce with I finish War and Peace. 🙂 Thanks for your comment.


  3. I recommend some Michael Buble on the CD player. I’m very impressed you’re reading War and Peace. That must take a lot of patience.
    Sorry for your loss too xxx


    1. Catherine, I don’t have any Michael Buble music, perhaps I should remedy that situation. Thanks for the tip. 🙂
      I don’t know if it’s patience that’s needed to read War and Peace, but in the time it is taking me to read it I could consume many other books. I enjoy the story, but it’s not a book I can carry everywhere with me because of it’s size.
      Thanks for the condolences, Catherine.


  4. Hey Lynn. I read this blog post this morning and it inspired me to write me own blog post about it.

    As for “what do I do?” – I try and put one foot after the other and take small slow baby steps.

    And no – I loathe the winter. It gets old REALLY fast. I am tired of my winter boots and tired of winter parkas and tired of dressing in layers and feeling nearly as wide as I am tall.

    Somebody move me to New Mexico – would you?


    1. Steve, I’m pleased to have inspired you this morning.
      I agree about the layers of warm clothing. I love Spring for the fact of not having to take ten minutes to get ready to step out the door for a few minutes – or even several seconds.
      hmmm New Mexico. If you love the intense heat then New Mexico or Arizona would be wonderful for you. 🙂

      Thanks for mentioning Polilla Writes on your blog!
      (by the way: Spring IS coming.)


  5. I’m sorry to hear about your friend and your uncle. 😦 I have been very tired lately, too. *YAWN* 😉 Our family likes power outages. I think of them as “nature’s way to get us away from electronics”! 😀


    1. I like power outages too, Erik, when it’s convenient for me. 😉 Not so much when it’s terribly cold and storming ferociously with no reconnect in sight. A couple of hours is okay. But the house gets very quiet, and I like that, with none of the electronics you mentioned humming in the background. 🙂


  6. Yes, Lynn, despite having vaccinations, my husband and I both caught influenza this year, actually 2 weeks ago, which went into a sinus infection and irritated bronchial tubes. Antibiotics have made a difference, but we’re still working at half speed, which is a problem in a lot of ways. I was able to keep up with the housework for both our dad’s houses, but I wasn’t allowed to visit my mother. That hurt my heart. The worst part was as you described, Lynn, that lack of energy. We’re still plagued with that. I’m exhausted by 7 pm and that leaves a lot undone, including blogs.

    The very good news is that my energy is slowly returning, so there’s hope that I won’t be like this the rest of my life! Maybe God knew we needed to just sit for a few days! Prayers coming your way!


    1. Oh Sue, I wondered why I hadn’t seen you around lately. How miserable you must have been feeling. It sounds like what is being passed around here, too, and which I am trying to avoid – both for Dad and myself. I’ve been told it takes a few weeks for some to start getting over the fatigue. Be sure to rest when you can. I know what you mean by feeling as if it will be like that the rest of your life; I’ve had many times when it seemed to be all I could do to get out of my own way.

      Although God doesn’t put illness on us, He does quietly work in our down time to bless us in the midst of it … if we pay attention. 🙂 Get well soon!


  7. When my get up and go gets up and goes I just have to wait and hope it’ll get homesick and return eventually. Nothing I can say or do will make any difference in the meantime. I must say this time I’m not sure it hasn’t left home altogether and moved to warmer climes.

    As for winter storms. We get cold winds and gales but very little you could call a real storms and power losses are very rare.There’s always a supply of candles in case but we use those for mood lighting anyway. Glad you’re getting back to being fighting fit and ready to read again.


    1. Welcome to my blog, David; I see you hail from Wales.

      I appreciate your comment. If my get up and go has moved to warmer climes, I certainly hope it returns for me! 😉

      Blessings on your day.


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