Great stuff added to my Writers’ Helps page!

Last week was a different one at home as I was trying to get over an upper respiratory thing that tackled me. It started before I left my caregiving duties for the week; I woke every morning with a sore throat, and here I am again still hoping to soon get over this! He appears to be fine again, had it before I did but not completely the same way as it didn’t hold on long. I, on the other hand, can’t seem to shake it. It’s not a cold but my voice is raspy and my throat gets tired quickly, so I am not talking much.

Hear the silence?  *crickets chirping*)

It acts like laryngitis but without total loss of voice, so whatever it is seems to have settled around my larynx for a lengthy stay. Have you had anything similar this season? (I hope you’re enjoying a healthy summer.)

I planned to get a book review written by now, but which will come in my next post instead. This one is to let you know that you can find some new things added to my Writers’ Helps page, including a new category. In it you will find a link to music by Lee Fitzsimmons for your promotional book trailer! yay! And I’m loving the free music. (Be sure to contact Lee and remember to give him credit for creating the music you select.)

I hope when you check out my Writers’ Helps page that you’ll find something of use to you there, maybe even music for your book. 🙂 You will also find a link to Free Rice which is a challenging and educational word game. It makes for a fun change when you need a break from your writing, and in a big way it helps others at the same time. It might even give you ideas for whatever creative writing you’re working on. I will warn you though, you may want to set a timer so you don’t spend too much time playing the game. 😉  Yes, it is that captivating.

Also, I very much appreciate the feedback I receive on my posts. I enjoy the interaction, and it’s so interesting reading your comments. I’m learning from you as we make progress in our writing journeys. 🙂  Thank you.

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂

12 thoughts on “Great stuff added to my Writers’ Helps page!

  1. Hope you are feeling better soon. At least you can still communicate on your blog. Thanks for all the nice comments you have made on my blog. I do appreciate it. Some great tips on your other page. Thanks!


    1. Thanks, Darlene.
      I don’t get to others’ blogs to comment as much as I should or want to, but I’m trying! There are so many good ones out there, so many wonderful bloggers to follow. You know, so many blogs, so little time. 😉


  2. When I get what you descibe I think it’s my bronchitis. I get it about two or three times a year. I just let it run its course and within two weeks it’s gone. I don’t even think about it now, but the kids enjoy my inability to ‘nag’ at them. lol

    I hope you’re feeling better soon.

    I’m heading over to check out the music for book trailers. I just made my first over the weekend.


      1. I do, Lynn. This is just what I was looking for. I’m going to listen to more of his tracks tomorrow–when I have a bit more time–and see which best fit my “Pockets of Wildflowers” romance novel book trailer. Thanks for introducing him to me.


        1. I’m so delighted, Diane! Lee will be pleased to hear from you. He just wants credit for his work, so get in touch and all is good. 🙂 Thanks.


  3. I do wonder if what you’ve experienced might be allergies. When I was living in a certain part of Texas, every December I would lose my voice for a week or so – it was the cedar pollen that did it. I would have the same symptoms – a slightly scratchy, sore thoat, and a sudden inability to utter a word!

    Rest is the best treatment. Lots of fluids help.

    I’ll not be creating any book trailers, but the music’s a great addition. I sometimes add music to my blog, but only as a click-to-listen option. Nothing annoys me more than opening a blog and having music suddenly blaring out at me!


    1. This time it isn’t allergies. After two weeks of continually getting worse instead of better, I gave in and went to the clinic on Wednesday for medical attention; fever, swollen sore throat, inflammation/laryngitis, infection made for a ‘great’ start to August. Now I’m on a ten-day round of penicillin and struggling my way through this. Yes, rest, I just want to stay in bed.

      I certainly understand about the music on blogs or websites when you don’t have the option to mute it. I hadn’t thought about click-to-listen on my blog. Maybe someday.

      Thanks for your comment, Linda. 🙂


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