My embarrassing NaNoWriMo confession

It started out with the right thought – that since I ‘won’ in NaNo last year I should try to finish my novel started last year.  Reasonable, right?

And since I kept a running update last year, posting every day for the month of November to keep my readers informed of my progress – and to keep myself motivated – it seemed right that I should do the same thing this year. Makes sense, right?


Last year I knew believed I could do it. I was determined stubborn determined enough to keep at it so that I DID do it. This year my motivation is not the same, but I do have a goal — to finish writing my 2010 NaNo novel.

Interruptions Procrastination got in the way took over.  Well, that’s a little harsh, Lynn, don’t you think? Life happens. … tap tap tap … oh alright! I didn’t take it on with the same sense of motivation this time. There, I said it. I let myself fail flounder face plant.  (And, yes, I talk to myself give myself pep talks.)

Okay, here’s the thing. If I keep an ongoing record showing my progress lack of adequate progress in 2011 NaNo, I will both embarrass myself and risk being a disappointment to anyone possibly believing in me. (um, is there really anyone out there fitting that description?) *sigh* It really is not that hard. All you do is write!  Right?

Who am I kidding? When one’s muse just doesn’t want to play, then … it’s not happening!  (yes, okay, when one does not commit whole-heartedly to the project it is already doomed at serious risk.)

So, what to do? It is in the early hours of day 25 of NaNoWriMo 2011. I am ashamed embarrassed to admit that I have enough words written to equal a tally for day … 5.  (hangs head) Yep, day 5.

Want to read something really funny? Here are my stats on my NaNo page, especially note the estimated date of completion:

Your Average Per Day .. 363

Words Written Today .. 1,321

Target Word Count .. 50,000

Target Average Words Per Day .. 1,667

Total Words Written .. 8,722

Words Remaining .. 41,278

Current Day .. 24

Days Remaining .. 7

At This Rate You Will Finish On .. March 16, 2012   <— Hilarious! 🙂

Words Per Day To Finish On Time .. 5,897   <– Yikes!

I. am. in. trouble.  (note to self, don’t write that way often, it disturbs some writers.)   I am in trouble.

So, what to do? Easy. Just WRITE!

Get some sleep, then write. nap, then write. do what you have to do, then WRITE WRITE WRITE.

The crazy thing is, I still believe I can do this! Isn’t that crazy? And I am going to make a new page for my 2011 NaNoWriMo progress report. Now THAT is crazy motivating, but ..

I. am. going. to. try.  (oops! refer to note to self above.)

If I manage to complete with 50000 words, please don’t expect to hear from me for awhile. I will be celebrating sleeping.  😉

Comments, anyone?

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂

6 thoughts on “My embarrassing NaNoWriMo confession

  1. I have to admit, I would find it difficult to create under pressure. Mind you, I had deadlines when I was working on the edits for my book, and that I enjoyed. It was a bit different as the story was already there. But the moment I try to self-impose deadlines I start to procrastinate.

    If you don’t met your deadline it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I’m wishing you luck, but even if you don’t meet the deadline I’ll believe in you and you need to as well. 🙂


    1. Thanks, Laura! You know, there was a man called Barnabas in the Bible, his name means Encourager. I think you may be my little Barney! Is that okay with you? 😉

      When I have ‘completed’ the first rough draft of this novel I hope I will remember to write a post about it. The way I went at it this time is different from the first half of the book and I will explain why and how later.

      I’m feeling more motivated now! Maybe I should have set up the updates page at the beginning.


    1. Wow! Sue. I had to go back and reread my post! haha
      I may be pushing myself over the edge the next six days, but we shall see. I can only do a little until my caregiving schedule changes for a week, which will be late on Sunday. Left then with only a little over three days … yikes! I will be face planting into my pillow after that. 😉
      Thanks for being a great writing friend.


  2. Knowing you like I do, you absolutely have the potential to do this. You just have to definitely make up you mind to do it and not talk yourself out of it. And, yes, I will keep a certain distance from you in early December until you ‘catch up’ on your sleep. 🙂


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