Day 8: NaNoWriMo & PiBoIdMo

I am falling behind.  Today (Monday) I didn’t get much written for NaNoWriMo so I’m not up to where I should be by this time.  I did write over 1000 words tonight but that’s not enough yet.  I have a lot of catching up to do with Tuesday’s goal in the challenge being a total of 15,000 words.  But the fun thing is that my widget says I have completed 24% now.

What’s interesting is that what I wrote tonight is a departure from the main story.  My characters are taking me on a detour, and yet it feels as if there is a connection to the heart of the story.  It is all still vague in my mind right now but I think it’s going to come together okay somehow.  I will just keep writing and see what happens.

The really good news is that this morning I had two ideas for PiBoIdMo.  In fact, one of them is built onto the idea I had for Day 2.  It seems that now I have a full story roughed out for a picture book.  Cool, huh? Well, I think so.

I’m having fun with all this writing.

When you write, do you find that your characters lead you?

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂


2 thoughts on “Day 8: NaNoWriMo & PiBoIdMo

  1. So glad you’re having fun with your writing!! Writing should be fun and enjoyable. Mind you, it’s hard work, too, but anything worth achieving is worth working toward.

    My characters often do lead me. Sometime I think a particular thing is going to happen in a story, but my character has other ideas. Funny about that! I usually decide that my character probably knows more than I do. I don’t mind being a follower.


    1. I am getting over tired I think, not even inspired to pick up my pen tonight. Is this where the work starts? 🙂

      I am fascinated by how the mind works, at least I am fascinated by my own. lol My Nanowrimo characters are becoming real, as if they are just waiting to live out their lives in or through my story. I start to write and then ‘someone’ says or does something that takes it a whole different way from where I thought we were going. Amazing to me!


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