Funny for one person … not so much for another

Sometimes the funniest things happen, things that for the one to whom it happened is not so funny, but for the onlooker or the one being told the story … it is hilarious!  Know what I mean?

Here is an example, with back story first. 

When I got my little Schnoodle I had a hard time settling on a suitable name for her. You know the story.  I thought Minnie was it, but soon after I renamed her to Meyya.  (I tell you this so the story makes sense.Also, this incident occurred at my dad’s in the early puppy days.

By the way, this is Meyya today, all seven pounds of her. She loves her belly scratched and rolls over immediately to make it easy.  🙂

Meyya.July 13'15Meyya.July 13'15.2

To continue …

For anyone who has had to wear boots, have you ever had that frustrating experience of losing your socks in them? You know how they always seem to sneak down into your boots and when you pull your feet out they are sockless?

Okay …

One day I was busy upstairs in Dad’s big house and my daughter – who, fortunately, has a great sense of humour – texted me from downstairs to let me know what had just happened.

Her words are in the white bubble, mine are in blue.







And I still laugh.  (Sorry my darlin’ but I do.)

Do you have a funny story to share that to the one it happened was less comical at the time? Perhaps it happened to you and you can laugh about it now but not so much in the moment. Please do tell!

FYI: I am trying to get things done in my own home these days to not feel as overwhelmed, I’m working on my health while being mindful of Dad’s, and wishing I could do more … of everything! As a result I’m reading less but still plugging away at it, book reviews to be written, blog posts to be composed. It will happen!  In the meantime …

Thanks for reading, and … Creative Musings!  🙂