NaNoWriMo Updates (2010)

NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month

Here I am going to try to keep an updated word count throughout the NaNoWriMo challenge, posted every day if possible.   Since the goal is 50,000 words from November 1-30, that means an average of 1667 words a day!  This is my first attempt so I need all the nudges of encouragement (and prayers) available to me.   🙂  Each day I will do the count no later than midnight for that day and get it posted here asap.

I got NaNo badges from:

Day 1: 1913 words

Day 2: 1959 = total of 3872 words;  as of today you will see here that I also added two widgets that show my word count in two different ways.

Day 3: 2191 = total of 6063 words;  I really like that one of my widgets shows the percentage of how much I have written of the 50,000 words.  🙂

Merit badge: 5k words

Day 4: 1275 = total of 7338 words;  not the greatest writing day.

Day 5: 1344 = total of 8682 words;  behind in daily goal but ahead over all

Day 6: 1548 = total of 10230 words;  have 21% written.

Merit badge: 10k words

Day 7: 416 = total of 10646 words;  up to 22%, have some catching up to do.

Day 8: 1027 = total of 11673 words;  24% done, must write much to catch up!

Day 9: 398 = total of 12071 words;  not good, but I kept writing after midnight which puts my % up further.  I’ll add that into Day 10’s total.

Day 10: 645 = total of 12716 words;  26%, another slow day, but I’ve 20 days left in which to write.

Day 11: 1415 = total of 14131 words;  29% completed, 4206 words needed to catch up

Day 12: 1222 = total of 15353 words; 31% completed with only 18 writing days left

Day 13: 1274 = total of 16627 words; 34% completed

Day 14: 2139 = total of 18766 words; 38% completed

Day 15: 541 = total of 19307 words; 39% completed (too tired to write more)

Day 16: 2029 = total of 21336 words; 43% completed

Day 17: 1141 = total of 22477 words; 45% completed (almost halfway!)

Day 18: 1251 = total of 23728 words; 48% completed

Day 19: 1019 = total of 24747 words; 50% completed!  YAY!

Day 20: 480 = total of 25227 words; 51% completed; much less than I’d hoped for today

Merit badge: 25k words

Day 21: 1298 = total of 26525 words; 54% completed (month is running out!)

Day 22: 1036 = total of 27561 words; 56% completed; only 8 writing days left!

Day 23: 1768 = total of 29329 words; 59% completed; only 7 writing days left!!

Day 24: 2849 = total of 32178 words; 65% completed – that looks better!

Day 25: 2055 = total of 34234 words; 69% completed; 5 writing days left

Day 26: 768 = total of 35002 words; 71% completed; a poor writing day

Day 27: 3525 = total of 38527 words; 78% completed – my best day yet; 3 writing days left

Day 28: 657 = total of 39184 words; 79% completed – need sleep!

Day 29: 5073 = total of 44257 words; 89% completed – one day left!

Day 30: 6008 = total of 50265 words; 101% completed!!! YAY!!!

Merit badge: 50k words

2 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Updates (2010)

I look forward to reading your greatly appreciated comments. Thanks for making my day! :)

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