HAPPY NEW YEAR! Did you make resolutions?

Wow!Ā  It is 2011 already!Ā  HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!

First, thank you for your support in reading my ramblings here.Ā  I appreciate you very much.Ā  šŸ™‚

I had intended to post here for Christmas and the New Year, but I got overwhelmed with life and ‘stuff’ and couldn’t fit everything in.Ā  I was busy with all the usual things, but since this is the season I fight depression I had a bit of a struggle right around Christmas.Ā  Same as last year our two youngest daughters did not get home, and our two oldest daughters didn’t come out either but met us at my dad’s in early afternoon for our combined family dinner – only ten of us this year.Ā  It was very quiet here all morning with just my husband and our daughter’s little dog.Ā  Very unusual … the first time in all our years together that it has been just the two of us for Christmas.Ā  I missed our girls.

A sad time for us was that my aunt (Dad’s sister) was dying, and she passed away December 28, her funeral being January 1.Ā  That made for a rather rough end of 2010 and beginning of 2011 for my family.Ā  Not much unlike thirteen years ago when Mum passed away December 30, her funeral being January 2.Ā  Some years I get through the ‘anniversary’ just fine, but this year was not as easy.Ā  I think much of it was that I felt sorrow for my cousins, and it brought everything back more intensely for me.

How was the Christmas season for you?Ā  How did you celebrate the ‘holidays’?

On a lighter note … much to-do is made over New Year’s resolutions.Ā  Several years ago I gave up making them officially, but each new year I plan and hope to “do better”.Ā  This time I determined to ‘go through’ my house one room at a time to ‘fine tune’ things, and I have done one room so far.Ā  I also have business goals to achieve, writing aspirations to focus on, continued publishing of Christian newsletter Valley Sunshine and members’ correspondence to answer.

Last year I did resolve to read more, which you know by the page I set up here – My “have read” book list (Dec 1’09 – Dec 31’10) – where I kept track of my progress.Ā  Since that fun thing went quite well I set up a page for this year, too.Ā  I will finish reading the books of the Bible and add to my list as many more books as I possibly can.Ā  For some I will write reviews and I plan to interview authors as well.

All these are things that interest me that I want to do.Ā  But — I have to remember not to stress myself out when I can’t keep up.Ā  Right?

How is your reading coming along?Ā  Have you been inspired to read anything you have seen mentioned here?Ā  If so, I would love to know about it.Ā  šŸ™‚

So, have you made any New Year’s resolutions/set any goals for 2011?

I wish for you a happy, healthy, accomplished 2011.

Thanks for reading, and .. Creative Musings!Ā  šŸ™‚

4 thoughts on “HAPPY NEW YEAR! Did you make resolutions?

  1. Hi Lynn, nice to have you back! Sometimes we all need to have a break. So sorry to hear about your Aunt’s death. I’m sure it brought back some painful memories.

    I have lots of new books to read in the New Year. Right now I’m reading “Is that you, God. It’s me, Margaret.” I’ll be heading into some books by local authors and a few from some blogging friends of mine. I think it’s going to be an exciting year around the old blogosphere.


    1. Hi, Laura. Thank you for your kind words.

      I believe I read “Is That You God, It’s Me, Margaret” many years ago – a good read, if I remember correctly. I am looking forward to expanding my appreciation of local authors, and others too, this year. I agree it will be an exciting year in the blogging world and I hope to make a positive contribution to that.

      Blessings, and continued success to you.


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